Monday, August 6, 2007


Today, is my last official day of class, well until August 27th.. but this excites me so much!

Ever since I stepped foot back into College Station, after arriving home from Africa, all I have done is schoolwork, I'm not kidding...

Someone was crazy enough to enroll for 12 stinking hours (cough. me. cough) And was so overwhelmed...

Well, somehow, I forgot to pay for one of my classes, which was an english class, that I should have taken sophomore year, but I hadn't yet... and so I got dropped from the class... which was a complete blessing!

My A&M classes are over after today, and my business class will be over this Sunday!

I will finally get to sit down and make copys of all the DVD's I made and send out my testimony to my supporters... I didn't forget!! I love and appreciate you all so much!

I will finally get to breath.

But most importantly, I will finally get to spend some wonderful time with God! I'm going home this weekend, back to good ole Frankston, where my favorite thing to do, is ride out into the pasture on the 4-wheeler and just sit out there,

to think,

to read,

to pray,

to just be still and listen.

Right as the sun is setting, looking across the water, it doesn't get more peaceful to me.


Rachel Brooke said...

Hey Ashley! Thanks for commenting on my blog. My comment box has been lonely! That is awesome that you went to Africa (post some pics :)) I'm now going to start checking your blog too!

Williams Family said...
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Williams Family said...

Relax and take sometime to think about what the Lord has taught you this summer. Thank you for showing us the pictures and allowing us to take part in your trip to africa through praying for you.

Love ya and see you tonight,

Jenn said...

aw i love you too. and can we sit down soon so you can tell me about africa?