Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Back in the States

Well, it's Tuesday. I realize that I got back to the States on Friday...however I just haven't had time to update this thing.

I'm currently working on my testimony, that I'll post on here, because I want the world to know what God is doing in Africa.

I'll just say that I can't go a moment without thinking about my 13 girls that wedged their way into my heart.

When I look at my watch, I find myself counting forward 7 hours to see what time it is in Zambia, and I try to see what they're doing.

My heart is in Zambia...those children stole it. I didn't want to come home, had I not had to come back to school and work, I would have stayed the rest of the summer. Zambia is better than Texas.

Next summer cannot come soon enough. Although I was ready to see all my friends and family in Texas, if there was a plane tomorrow that I could get on, I'd be on it.

How wonderful it was to truly get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. It was such a beautiful picture of what we are called to be.

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