Wednesday, July 18, 2007

tick tock ...tick tock....

So I realize that I have promised you my testimony really soon. The good news is that I'm working on it, the bad's not quite finished. It's hard for me to sit down and write it without crying, therefore....I've been taking breaks and doing it in sections.

Thanks to the amazing Kendra Duty I'll be creating a DVD of my pictures, with much of her help, to music and who know what else will be on there. You will definetly be getting one of these if you donated for to trip...however, even if you didn't, I'd love to give you one so you can see how God is at work in Zambia.

I'd also love to talk with ANYONE about my time in Zambia. Or share ALL my pictures, which is the grand total of 1167. Anything, I'd love to tell you about it!

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